Love and Sacrifice
True love should not be about sacrifices. Sacrifices are done with the knowledge of a purpose. You sacrifice for something, otherwise it's not sacrifice at all. You do it for that reason - regardless of your attitude towards it. And that reason given, you expect a better outcome. But what if, like most things in life, it doesn't work out the way it's intended? Disappointment comes along your way. Blame settles in and nobody will be walking out better for it.
Rather, love should be about gifts; Gifts you should give expecting nothing will be returned because of it. You dont expect a better outcome. The only way to not get disappointed in life is to not expect anything. If everything you give is with the knowledge that you shall not be repaid for it, you shall have no indebtments to remember, and your heart shall be lighter for it.
Because love is a continuous prayer we give to our endeared, uncertain of outcome and wavering on the chance of being unanswered. But we do so in good faith, not because it's a sacrifice we do, but it's a basic insinct for humans to give the gift of love, unconditional and blind.
All love in this world is one-sided - at least until it finds another love that can make it whole.
What do you think?
*thanks to redkinoko for this article
* this is not going to be plagiarism because I properly credited the writer's name on it.
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